
(non)-append mode, 102
*, 77
-central, 473
-fanal, 402
-frznuclei, 472, 473
-level rirpa, 162
-relax, 161, 205
-ri, 450
-ri -level rirpa, 450
.map, 404, 797, 87
$2e-ints´_  shell_statistics, 827, 829
$2e-ints_shell_statistics, 827, 828
$D2-diagnostic, 750
$TURBODIR/uff/, 609
$actual step, 486
$alpha shells, 255, 328, 598, 656
$anadens, 401, 402
$atoms, 104, 345, 536, 541, 594, 595, 660, 707
$barrier, 810
$basis, 104, 172, 181, 182, 601, 770
$beta shells, 255, 328, 598, 656
$boys, 779
$bse, 462, 463, 721
$bse file, 723
$bse iterative, 724
$bse iterlim, 726
$bse noqpa, 722
$bse noqpw, 722
$bse thrconv, 725
$cabs, 346, 374, 751
$cbas, 345, 346, 373, 374, 422, 423, 446, 450, 732, 751, 753
$cc2_natocc, 351, 750
$cdspectrum, 331, 713, 733
$cell, 283, 290, 292, 294, 691
$cell angs, 283, 691
$cgrad, 750, 751
$closed shells, 107, 109, 255, 595, 640, 653, 656
$collinear, 668
$constraints, 812
$coord, 85, 88, 172, 178, 179, 182, 183, 472, 533, 535, 540, 561, 601, 605, 608, 609, 770
$coordinateupdate, 171, 760
    dqmax, 760
    interpolate, 760
    statistics, 760
$corrgrad, 768
$cosmo, 680, 681, 683–687
    allocate_nps, 681
    ampran, 681
    cavity, 681
        closed, 681
        open, 681
    disex, 681
    epsilon, 681
    nppa, 681
    nspa, 681
    phsran, 681
    refind, 681
    routf, 681
    rsolv, 681
    use_contcav, 681
    use_old_amat, 681
$cosmo_atoms, 680, 683, 684
$cosmo_isodens, 685
$cosmo_isorad, 686
$cosmo_out file=, 685
$csconv, 822
$csconvatom, 822
$csmp2, 485, 821
$current, 805
$curswitchdisengage, 332
$dcosmo_rs, 687
    potential file definition, 687
$denconv, 55, 323, 345, 346, 348, 365, 373, 374, 422, 437, 623, 709, 732, 753
$denconv 1d-7, 452
$dfdxi textout, 480, 709
$dft, 54, 226, 282, 283, 300, 321, 451, 467, 581, 623, 658, 664, 668, 704, 708
    batchsize, 634
    functional, 623
    debug, 626
    dgrenze, 635
    diffuse, 630
    fgrenze, 635
    fullshell, 634
    functional, 658
    gridordering, 635
    gridsize, 624, 658
    gridtype, 625
    nkk, 626
    nphi, 627
    ntheta, 627
    old_RbCs_xi, 628
    p-junc, 636
    qgrenze, 635
    radsize, 629
    reference, 632
    rhostart, 631
    rhostop, 631
    s-junc, 636
    sgrenze, 635
    symblock1, 635
    symblock2, 635
    test-integ, 634, 664
    weight derivatives, 635
$dkhparam, 668
$dkhparam 1, 669
$dkhparam 2, 669
$dkhparam 3, 669
$dkhparam 4, 669
$dkhparam 5, 669
$dosper, 307, 701, 702
    emax, 702
    emin, 702
    npt, 702
    scal, 702
    width, 702
$drvopt, 136, 468, 704, 705
    basis on, 181
$drvtol, 136
$dsenex, 662
$ecp, 321, 601
$egrad, 171, 181, 182, 751, 768, 772
$electrostatic field, 321, 636, 638
$embed, 532–534, 537, 539, 673, 679
    cell, 679
    charges, 679
    cluster, 679
    content, 679
    epsilon, 680
    lmaxmom, 680
    periodic, 679
    potval, 680
    wsicl, 680
$end, 85, 551, 593
$energy, 255, 334, 602, 737, 747
$escfiterlimit, 329, 714
$esp_fit, 794
$ex_energies, 820
$excitation, 400
$excitations, 374, 375, 385, 388, 395, 406, 408, 410, 439, 741, 742, 748
    bothsides, 742
    conv, 742
    exprop, 395, 742
    irrep, 742
    leftopt, 742
    momdrv, 412, 742
    oldnorm, 742
    preopt, 742
    spectrum, 406, 742
    thrdiis, 742
    tmexc, 408, 742
    twophoton, 410, 742
    xgrad, 742
$exopt, 332, 334, 727
$fermi, 135, 637
    addTS, 637
    hlcrt, 637
    noerf, 637
    nue, 637
    stop, 637
    tmend, 637
    tmfac, 637
    tmstrt, 637
$firstorder, 638
$fldopt, 321, 636, 638
    1st derivative, 638
    2nd derivative, 638
    edelt, 639
    fields, 639
    geofield, 639
$forceapprox, 177–179, 181–184, 186, 602, 760, 765, 766, 769–771
    format, 769
$forceconv, 705, 708
$forceinit, 81, 765, 766, 770
    diag, 766
        carthess, 766
        default, 766
        individual, 766
    off, 178, 766
    on, 81, 178, 186, 760, 766, 770
        carthess, 81, 187, 770
        diag, 186
$forceiterlimit, 705, 708
$forcestatic, 771
$forceupdate, 178, 761, 771
    ahlrichs, 762
        indgeo, 762
        maxgeo, 762
        numgeo, 762
    allow, 765
    bfgs, 762
    damping, 765
    dfp, 762
    dfp-bfgs, 762
    diagonal, 764
    ms, 762
    offdamp, 764
    offreset, 765
    pulay, 763, 771
        fail, 764
        maxpul, 764
        minpul, 764
        modus, 764
        numpul, 764
    reseig, 765
    scale, 765
    schlegel, 762
    thrbig, 765
    threig, 765
$freeze, 321, 345, 346, 348, 365, 368, 374, 423, 446, 463, 729, 732, 753
$gap_threshold, 821
$gdiis, 255, 668
$gdiishistory, 760
$global, 172, 183, 766, 770
$globgrad, 171, 172, 183, 768
$grad, 171, 177, 179, 182, 183, 561, 602, 737, 747, 768, 772
$gradlatt, 694
$gradlatt file=, 694
$grid, 157, 784
$gw, 715
$gw gam, 718
$gw nl, 717
$gw output, 719
$gw rpa, 720
$h0hessian, 167
$hessian, 137, 172, 184, 187, 705, 706, 766
$hessian (projected), 137, 770
$hotfcht, 708
$incore, 72, 599, 639
$intdef, 85, 88, 176–178, 468, 601, 758, 761, 766, 768
$integral_ex, 820
$interconversion, 169, 761
    maxiter, 761
    on, 177, 760, 761
    qconv, 761
$ironly, 707
$isopts, 707
$isosub, 706, 707
$jbas, 218, 282, 283, 446, 450, 601, 660, 690
$jkbas, 218, 346, 374, 446, 660, 751
$ke_control, 809, 815
$kpoints, 277, 290, 292, 294, 300, 692, 693
    kptlines, 693
    nkpoints, 692
    recipr, 693
$kramers, 255, 323, 329, 446, 668
$laplace, 347, 365, 373, 374, 410, 412, 413, 418, 733, 734, 753, 754
    conv, 734, 754
$last MP2 energy change, 767
$last SCF energy change, 767
$last excitation energy change, 334
$last step
    relax, 600
$lattice, 283, 285, 287, 289, 291, 293, 295, 691
$lattice angs, 283, 691
$lcg, 346, 374, 423, 425, 740, 751
$les, 166, 467, 707
    all, 708
$lesiterlimit, 708
$lhf, 586, 587, 665
$localize, 556, 792, 796
    mo, 794
    sweeps, 794
    thrcont, 794
$lock off, 600
$loewdin, 780
$log, 805
$log_history, 809, 815
$m-matrix, 185, 767
$mao, 781
$mao selection, 791
$marij, 218, 661
    extmax, 661
    lmaxmom, 661
    nbinmax, 661
    precision, 661
    thrmom, 661
    wsindex, 661
$maxcor, 67
$maxcor, 72, 134, 345, 346, 368, 374, 423, 436, 445, 466, 598, 599, 705, 726, 727, 730, 733, 753
$maximum norm of
    basis set gradient, 771
    cartesian gradient, 771
    internal gradient, 771
$md_action, 815–818
$md_status, 806, 813
$mo output format, 640, 648
$mo-diagram, 639
$mointunit, 345, 349, 485, 731, 821
$mom, 639
$moments, 554, 777, 786
$moprint, 639
$mp2energy, 345, 728
$mp2pair, 731
$mulliken, 779
$mvd, 555, 786
$nac, 820
$nac_matrix, 820
$nacme, 727
$natoms, 805
$natural orbital
    occupation, 602
$natural orbital occupation file=natural, 796
$natural orbitals, 602, 640
    occupation, 640
$natural orbitals file=natural, 796
$newcoord, 466
$nmr, 484
    dft, 484
    mp2, 484
    rhf, 484
    shielding constants, 484
$nomw, 167, 706
$noproj, 706
$nosalc, 479, 706
$nprhessian, 706
$nprvibrational normal modes, 706
$nprvibrational spectrum, 706
$nsteps, 805
$oep, 581
$oldgrad, 771
$open shells, 107, 109, 596, 654
$operating system, 600
$optcell, 300, 694
$optimize, 169, 170, 468, 758, 760, 761
    basis, 170, 759
        logarithm, 759
        scale, 759
    cartesian, 170, 759
    global, 170, 759
    internal, 170, 176, 758, 766
    redundant, 170, 759
$paboon, 781
$parallel_parameters, 828, 829
$parallel_platform, 68, 824
$pardft, 827
$path, 600
$periodic, 283, 296, 299, 690, 691
$periodic 1, 294
$periodic 2, 292
$periodic 3, 290
$pnoccsd, 347, 368, 754, 755
    mp2, 755
$point_charges, 321, 488, 550, 551, 670
$points, 150, 151, 157, 778
$pointval, 332, 404, 563, 564, 566, 567, 795
    dens, 797
    fld, 566, 797
    fmt, 797
        cub, 798
        map, 798
        plt, 798
        txt, 798
        vec, 798
        xyz, 798
    geo, 571, 804
        line, 804
        plane, 804
        point, 804
    integrate, 795
    lmo, 568, 797
    mo, 567, 797
    nao, 569
    nmo, 797
    nto, 569
    pot, 566, 797
    xc, 566, 797
$pointvalper, 301–304, 699, 700
    dens, 700
    eps, 700
    fmt, 700
    full, 700
    ngrdpbx, 700
    nimg, 700
    npts, 700
    orbs, 700
$pop, 555, 787, 788
    atoms, 788
    dos, 788
    lall, 788
    mo, 788
    netto, 788
    overlap, 788
    thrpl, 788
$pop nbo, 789
$pop paboon, 791
$pople, 595
$prediag, 641, 645
$printlevel, 732, 737, 753
$properties, 147, 777
$ramanonly, 707
$rbss, 256, 668
$rdkh, 256, 668
$redund_inp, 602
$redundant, 177, 468, 759, 768
$response, 746
    conv, 746
    fop, 746
    gradient, 746
    nosemicano, 746
    nozpreopt, 746
    semicano, 746
    sop, 746
    thrsemi, 746
    zconv, 746
    zpreopt, 746
$response, 365, 374, 393, 401, 414, 745, 748
$restart, 646
$restartd, 641, 645, 646
$ricc2, 347, 350, 360, 365, 374, 375, 380, 382, 385, 393, 400, 417, 418, 423, 436, 437, 734, 735, 746, 748, 751
    adc(2), 735
    cc2, 735
    ccs, 735
    ccsd, 752
    ccsd(t), 752
    cis, 735
    cis(d), 735
    cisdinf, 735
    conv, 735
    d1diag, 735
    fmtprop, 735
    geoopt, 393, 735
    gsonly, 735
    hard_restart, 735
    intcorr, 438, 735
    iprint, 735
    lindep, 735
    maxiter, 735
    maxred, 735
    mp2, 735
    mp3, 752
    mp4, 752
    mxdiis, 735
    nohard_restart, 735
    norestart, 735
    oconv, 735
    restart, 735
    scs, 735
    sos, 735
$ricore, 67
$ricore, 126, 217, 218, 321, 331, 467, 599, 659, 660
$ricore_slave, 599
$ridft, 321, 331, 659, 660
$rij, 659, 668
$rik, 217, 446, 659, 660, 668
$riper, 278, 282, 290, 292, 296, 298, 694, 695
    desnue, 696
    epsbext, 696
    lcfmmpcg, 696
    lchgprj, 695
    lenonly, 695
    lmaxmom, 696
    lmxmompcg, 696
    locmomadd, 696
    locmult, 696
    lpcg, 696
    nctrgt, 696
    northol, 695
    pcgtol, 696
    pcgtyp, 696
    pqmatdiag, 695
    pqsingtol, 696
    sigma, 696
    thrints, 695
    wsicl, 696
$ripop, 660
$rir12, 346, 351, 354, 361, 374, 423, 424, 430, 738, 739, 751, 752, 758
    ansatz, 739
    cabs, 739
    cabsingles, 739
    ccsdapprox, 752
    comaprox, 739
    corrfac, 739
    examp, 739
    f12metric, 739
    no_f12metric, 739
    pairenergy, 739
    r12model, 739
    r12orb, 739
$rirpa, 445, 450, 726
$rlocal, 256, 669
$rlocpara, 669
$rohf, 655
$roothaan, 597, 655
$rpaconv, 320, 713, 714
$rpacor, 331, 599, 713
$rsym, 256
$rundimensions, 641
$rx2c, 256, 668
$scfconv, 55, 130, 323, 643, 651, 709, 732, 753
    settings for
        AOFORCE, 466
        NUMFORCE, 466
$scfconv 7, 300, 452
$scfdamp, 278
$scfdenapproxl, 639, 644
$scfdenapproxl 0, 262, 263
$scfdiis, 641, 645
$scfdump, 639, 641, 645
$scfinstab, 217, 321, 463, 714
    ciss, 710
    cist, 710
    dynpol, 711
    non-real, 711
    polly, 711
    rpas, 710
    rpat, 710
    singlet, 711
    soghf, 710
    spinflip, 710
    tdasoghf, 710
    triplet, 711
    ucis, 710
    urpa, 710
$scfintunit, 63, 72, 321, 641, 646, 647, 652, 732, 822
    file, 647
    size, 647
    unit, 647
$scfiterinfo, 645
$scfiterlimit, 647
$scfiterlimit 1, 451
$scfmo, 108, 109, 595, 602, 640, 641, 645, 647, 648, 657, 822
    expanded, 648
    file, 647
    format, 648
    none, 108, 647
    scfconv, 648
    scfdump, 648
$scfmo none, 108
$scforbitalshift, 278
$scforbitalorder, 649
$scforbitalshift, 649
    automatic, 651
    closedshell, 651
    individual, 651
    noautomatic, 651
$scftol, 437, 651, 732, 753, 822
        files, 822, 826
$scratch files, 651, 767, 825
$seed, 807
$senex, 662
$sh_coeffs, 820
$sijuai_out, 479, 708
$soes, 321, 330, 332, 333, 463, 712, 714, 727
$soghf, 253–255, 323, 329, 446, 561, 668, 669
$spectrum, 331, 713, 733
$spinor, 255
$start vector
    generation, 328, 714
$statistics, 646, 652
    dscf, 218, 600, 652
    dscf parallel, 652, 828
    grad parallel, 829
    mpgrad, 349, 600, 652, 731
    mpshift, 485
    off, 600, 652
$statpt, 165, 167, 775
    bfgs, 167
    hssfreq, 775
    hssidiag, 775
    itrvec, 165, 775
    keeptmode, 775
    powell, 167
    radmax, 775
    radmin, 775
    threchange, 165
    thrmax-displ, 165
    thrmaxgrad, 165
    thrrmsdispl, 165
    thrrmsgrad, 165
    tradius, 164, 775
    update, 775
$subenergy, 262
$subsystems, 264
    rules, 714
$surface_hopping, 819
$suspend off, 600
$symmetry, 321, 594
$thime, 216, 218, 321, 652, 653, 732, 822
$thize, 216, 218, 321, 485, 639, 652, 653, 732, 822
$title, 593, 807
$tmpdir, 369, 416, 733, 753
$tplot, 351
$traloop, 345, 349, 485, 730, 821, 825
$trand, 823
$trast, 823
$turbomole, 805
$uff, 189, 605
    maxcycle, 189
$uffgradient, 605, 609
$uffhessian, 605, 609
$ufftopology, 605, 608, 609
$uhf, 597, 598, 657
$uhfmo_alpha, 328, 602, 647, 657
$uhfmo_beta, 328, 602, 647, 657
$userdefined bonds, 601
$vcd, 472, 707, 824
$vdw_fit, 784
$velocity gauge, 714
$wfn, 794
&, 77
ṗlt, 795
    -frznuclei, 472
    NUMFORCE, 472
1d-4, 452

actual, 35
actual step
    dscf, 600
    RI-, 732
adg, 35
analysis of normal modes
    internal coordinate, 468
    keywords, 704
aoforce, 18, 19, 32, 34, 35, 53, 58, 61, 66, 70–72, 134, 137, 146, 167, 171, 184, 231, 313, 466–468, 470, 472, 473, 478, 479, 489, 598, 705, 768, 770, 824
aoforce2g98, 35

B-matrix, 89, 90
babel, 51
Bend, 36
bend, 35
Boys localization, 794
Broken symmetry, 115
bsse_out, 207
bsseenergy, 204
Buckingham, 554

cbasopt, 35
cc1sd..., 402
cc1td-, 401
cc1td-cc2-gs-1a1-001, 402
cc1td-cc2-xs-3a2-001, 402
CC2, 31
    RI-, 732
cc2cosmo, 35
CCL0–m-ss-xxx, 393
CCLE0-s–m-xxx, 386
CCME0-s–m-xxx, 406
CCNE0-s–m-xxx, 408
CCNL0-s–m-xxx, 395
CCRE0-s–m-xxx, 386
    RI-, 732
CCSD, 732
CCSD(2)F12, 429
CCSD(2*)F12, 429
CCSD(F12), 429
CCSD(F12*), 429
CCSD(T), 732
CCSD-F12a, 429
CCSD-F12b, 429
CCSD-F12c, 429
CCSD[F12], 429
CCSD[T], 732
ccsdf12, 19, 31, 55, 56, 61, 70, 99, 133, 368, 422, 425, 432, 489, 598, 751
cgnce, 35
charge vector, 581
CIS, 31
    RI-, 732
CIS(D), 31
    RI-, 732
condition, 582
conjugate gradients, 169
control, 30, 34, 51, 53, 54, 77, 79, 102, 106, 121, 165, 351, 401, 416, 451, 548, 551, 553, 559
converged, 163
coord, 51
    frozen, 472
copo, 264, 265
core memory, 583
cos, 418, 738, 758
    keywords, 680
cosmo, 35, 373, 488
cosmoprep, 35, 684
counterpoise calculation, 102
CP-corrections, 204
CPHF, 483
css, 418, 738, 758

debug, 583
Define, 451
define, 30, 31, 41, 51–55, 58, 77–80, 82, 84–88, 90, 95, 102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 113, 114, 116, 121, 126, 138, 142, 147, 151, 153, 156, 158, 165, 166, 177, 178, 183, 204, 207, 217, 218, 255, 282, 283, 322, 331, 346, 350, 354, 357, 374, 404, 423, 438, 458, 462, 464, 468, 553, 569, 581, 585, 593, 597, 600, 601, 647, 656, 660, 664, 709, 760, 833
degrees of freedom, 89
dens, 402, 563
desnue, 278
desnue 0, 278
desnue 1, 278
DIIS, 169, 760
dist, 36
dos_a+b, 788
dos_a-b, 788
dos_alpha, 788
dos_beta, 788
DRC, 36
    keywords, 623
Dscf, 659
dscf, 18, 30–32, 45, 53–56, 58, 60, 62, 63, 66, 67, 70, 72, 106, 108, 124, 162, 172, 194, 206, 216–218, 220, 222, 323, 347, 348, 374, 375, 400, 416, 425, 458, 459, 462, 464, 483, 489, 497, 498, 500, 531, 544, 553, 555, 563, 575, 585, 600, 602, 641, 651, 652, 663, 664, 668, 672, 680, 687, 690, 703, 783, 786, 822, 825–827
dummy center, 84

edens, 402
    keywords, 727
egrad, 18, 32–34, 55, 58, 61, 70, 72, 163, 171, 312, 313, 320–322, 332, 334, 335, 401, 470, 553, 555, 563, 598, 727, 768, 783, 786
eigenvalue difference, 583
Eiger, 567, 793
eiger, 36
energy, 187
        OMP_NUM_THREADS, 70
        PARA_ARCH, 70
        PARNODES, 70
    keywords, 709
escf, 18, 19, 32, 55, 56, 58, 61, 70, 72, 130, 226, 312, 320–322, 324, 325, 328, 330–332, 334, 335, 458, 459, 462–465, 489, 497, 531, 598, 636, 673, 680, 687, 709, 713, 727
evalgrad, 36
    keywords, 709
evib, 34, 70, 478, 479, 598, 708
export, 563
extended Hückel calculation, 106

FDE, 36
finit, 36
fld, 566
format, 565
Freeh, 58, 466
freeh, 34
    keywords, 804
frog, 32, 58, 163, 194, 804, 805, 812, 813, 816
frozen coordinates, 472
Fukui, 36

gallier, 37
    excited states, 393
    ground state, 389
    manipulation of, 95
    keywords, 702
grad, 19, 30–32, 54, 58, 60, 62, 66, 67, 70, 72, 124, 137, 162, 171, 177, 181, 194, 206, 216–218, 220, 222, 226, 334, 393, 416, 489, 500, 531, 636, 672, 680, 687, 703, 727, 768, 772, 826–828
grad_out, 207
gradient, 401
    excited states, 393
    ground state, 389
grid, 563, 570

hcore, 37

ibos, 556
Infrared Spectra, 466
intcorr, 438
intense, 34, 470
internal coordinates
    linear combination of, 94
    manual definition of, 92
    types of, 93
    conical, 383

jmol, 38
job.<cycle>, 164
job.last, 164
job.start, 163
jobbsse, 37, 86, 204–207
JOBEX, 218
jobex, 32, 33, 37, 45, 53, 80, 126, 133, 161, 163, 166, 167, 188, 204, 205, 209, 299, 300, 312, 334, 374, 375, 442, 450, 737, 771
    -c, 161, 206
    -dscf, 161
    -energy, 161, 206
    -ex, 161
    -gcart, 161, 206
    -grad, 161
    -gradient, 206
    -keep, 161
    -l, 161, 206
    -level, 161, 206
    -ls, 161, 206
    -md, 161
    -mdfile, 161
    -mdmaster, 161
    -mem, 206
    -opt, 206
    -relax, 161, 206
    -ri, 161, 206
    -rijk, 161
    -setup, 206
    -statpt, 161
    -trans, 161
    -trimer, 206

kdg, 37
kinetic energy, 815

lalp, 793
lbet, 793
Leapfrog Verlet algorithm, 194, 805
lenonly on, 298
Lhfprep, 586, 664
lhfprep, 37, 585, 664
lhfprep -asy, 587
lhfprep -kli, 587
lhfprep -num, 587
lmo, 793
lmos, 556
log2?, 805
log2egy, 37
log2int, 37
log2rc, 37
log2rog, 37
log2x, 38
LT-SOS-RI-MP2, 72, 362

mdens, 402
mdlog, 194
mdmaster, 804
mdmaster, 194
Mdprep, 194, 804–806
mdprep, 804
mdprep, 38
MECPopt, 38
MECPprep, 38
memory, 67
    atomic attributes, 97, 101
    general, 120, 122
    geometry main, 80
    geometry menu, 83
    internal coordinate, 88, 90
    occupation number assignment, 109, 111
    start vectors, 104, 105
mo 10-12,15, 567
molden, 563
molecular dynamics, 194, 804
molecular orbitals
    binary format, 106
    keywords, 776
moloch, 147, 148, 152, 154, 156, 157, 776
mos, 558
    RI-, 732
Mp2prep, 53, 348
mp2prep, 38, 349
MP3, 732
MP4, 732
    keywords, 727
mpgrad, 18, 31, 32, 55, 58, 61, 62, 133, 162, 171, 172, 181, 206, 339, 341, 343, 345, 348–350, 400, 553, 555, 563, 598, 600, 623, 652, 680, 686, 730, 768, 786, 825
    keywords, 821
mpshift, 19, 33, 34, 53, 56, 58, 472, 483–486, 598, 707, 824
mulliken, 555
multi-core, 70

NAO, 569
nao, 569
        atomic, 569
        transition, 569
nbo, 555
no weight derivatives, 479, 708
nohxx, 446, 451
not.converged, 163, 207
NTO, 569
nto, 569
nto, 558
ntos, 558
NumForce, 34, 58, 61, 375, 398–400, 442, 450, 472, 687
Numforce, 32, 33, 38, 313, 334, 335, 375, 466, 467, 489, 687, 704
NumForce -d 0.02 -central -ri -level rirpa, 450

odft, 70, 575, 585, 586, 589
OpenMP, 70
opro, 265
orient, 799
outp, 38

paboon, 555
panama, 38, 332
    multi-core, 70
    OpenMP, 70
    SMP, 70
    threads, 70, 609
past, 39
    keywords, 672
Plane-averaged, 803
plot coefficient, 583
plotting data
    keywords, 786
    keywords, 753
    keywords, 753
pnoccsd, 18, 19, 31, 55, 61, 66, 70, 99, 133, 340, 343, 345–347, 350, 366–369, 432, 489, 598, 741, 753
population analysis, 788
pot, 566
proper, 34, 553–556, 558, 563, 565, 566, 569
    excited states, 393
    ground state, 389

q, 77
quasi–Newton, 169

Raman, 34, 58, 470
raman, 39
Raman spectra, 469
    keywords, 703
Rdgrad, 659
rdgrad, 19, 30, 32, 54, 58, 60, 62, 67, 70, 72, 73, 126, 162, 171, 177, 206, 216–218, 222, 226, 259, 334, 393, 489, 500, 531, 636, 673, 680, 687, 703
reference potential, 584
    keywords, 758
relax, 19, 31, 32, 35, 36, 58, 81, 90, 138, 139, 141, 161–163, 168, 169, 171, 172, 177, 178, 183, 184, 188, 205–207, 209, 758, 760, 764–767, 771, 772, 736
RI-ADC(2), 31, 732
RI-CC2, 31, 732
    keywords, 732
RI-CCS, 732
RI-CIS, 31, 732
RI-CIS(D), 31, 732
RI-MP2, 732
RI-MP2-F12, 72
    keywords, 732
ricc2, 17–19, 31, 32, 35, 55, 56, 58, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 70, 72, 99, 133, 339, 341, 345–348, 350, 351, 354, 362, 368, 372–378, 380–383, 385, 387, 388, 393, 400–402, 405–407, 416, 417, 432, 489, 544, 553, 558, 559, 563, 565, 598, 680, 732–734, 741, 748, 751, 768
ricctools, 553
    keywords, 623
Ridft, 659
ridft, 18, 19, 30, 32, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 67, 70–73, 108, 126, 129, 162, 206, 216–218, 222, 226, 255, 259, 323, 346, 347, 374, 375, 400, 425, 446, 451, 458, 459, 462, 464, 483, 489, 497, 498, 500, 531, 544, 553, 555, 563, 565, 568, 569, 575, 601, 602, 636, 659, 660, 662, 667, 668, 672, 680, 687, 690, 703, 783, 786, 787
rimp2, 162, 171, 206, 372, 553, 555, 563, 680, 686, 687, 735, 768, 783, 786
    keywords, 690
riper, 18, 31, 60, 70, 72, 269, 270, 272, 276–278, 280, 282–284, 290, 297, 299–301, 308, 690, 691, 694
rirpa, 33, 70, 442, 444–446, 451, 452, 598
Roothaan parameters, 114
rotate, 800
rpagrad, 450, 452
rpaprof, 452

scanprep, 39
screwer, 39, 168
scs, 360, 418, 738, 758
SCS-ADC(2), 31
SCS-CC2, 31
SCS-MP2, 417
sdg, 39
sigma, 278
sigma 0.01, 278
Simulated Annealing, 817
SMP, 70
sos, 418
SOS-ADC(2), 31
SOS-CC2, 31
SOS-MP2, 417
SOS-RI-MP2, 72
    fourth-order scaling, 362
    Raman, 469
    VCD, 470
    flipping spins on atoms, 108
Stati, 218
stati, 39
    keywords, 772
statpt, 32, 36, 58, 129, 161, 164–167, 205, 207, 209
steepest descent, 169
STOP, 163
stop, 163
structure library, 85
structure optimization, 161
substitution, 85
Sysname, 43, 44, 872, 875
sysname, 39, 44

t2aomix, 39
t2x, 39, 561, 562
Tblist, 876
tblist, 41
Tbtim, 876
tbtim, 41
temperature, 815
time, 194, 804
timestep, 805
tm2molden, 40, 563
Tors, 36
tors, 41
    Laplace, 362
TTEST, 872, 874, 876
TURBOMOLE, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 26, 34–37, 39, 41–45, 51, 53–55, 58, 60–64, 66, 67, 70, 73, 77, 79, 80, 84, 100, 103, 105, 106, 121, 123, 161, 166, 168, 178, 204, 227, 228, 231, 235, 236, 339, 350, 378, 451, 458, 466, 470, 472, 478, 488, 494, 531, 536, 541, 553, 561, 563, 593, 598, 641, 647, 648, 659, 672, 683–685, 782, 806, 825, 833
    installation, 42
    modules, 30
    quotation of, 16
    tools, 34
Turbotest, 45
twoint, 63

    keywords, 605
uff, 30, 81, 166, 167, 188–190, 605, 609
uffgradient, 189
uffhessian0-0, 189
ufftopology, 190, 609, 610, 614
    nxtn12, 609
uhfuse, 41

VCD, 472
vcd, 41
VCD spectra, 470
    function, 380
velocity, 815
vibration, 39, 466
Vibrational Frequencies, 466

wave function analysis
    keywords, 786
weight derivatives, 226
woelfling, 34, 41, 210–213
woelfling-job, 34, 41

x2t, 41, 51, 80, 401